Senno Ikenobo
Senno Ikenobo was a priest of the Rokkakudo temple, and under the patronage of Seirenin-monseki-sonchinho, an imperial prince, he would often arrange flowers at the imperial palace.
He was the first to teach that the essence of ikebana (flower arrangement) is not simply to appreciate beautiful flowers but also to foster awareness of the elegance of trees and plants. Senno Ikenobo synthesized and systematized ikebana in writings known as the "Senno Ikenobo Tradition." He also created a new style by absorbing the Buddhist-oriented sashibana form, which emphasized flower arrangement as a room decoration, into the forms of ikebana inherited from previous Ikenobo priests,and set down the rules of the rikka style of arrangement. These achievements gave birth to "Ikenobo," Japan's oldest school of ikebana.

Photo: Ikenobo, Master of Kado, General Affairs Office