Forerunners in Kyoto's Industries/Industrial Forerunners in Kyoto

Okumura Electric
Okumura, who started the production of an electric facility in Osaka in 1885, moved his main operation to Kyoto and established a factory south of the canal in 1895, which became Kyoto's first electric company. This move by Okumura Eletric was brought about because the company was able to establish the first hydroelectric plant, which gave rise to this opportunity to move to Kyoto. Although the company was dissolved in the early part of Showa (c. 1927) due to economic depression, in the Meiji and Taisho periods, it was known as one of the few Japanese enterprises with rotary motor facilities such as power generators and electric motors. After Okumura Electric's move to Kyoto, many companies began to build electric facilities in Kyoto.